Open Translation Engine (OTE) Change Log ---------- - fixed /random sql query to properly select with multiple views - removed 'Page Created in X seconds' debug messages and code - added template replacer <> and <> for # of word pairs in a language pair - changed task 'updated' field to generic datetime, no longer auto updated (now compatible with depreciated V4 installs) - more template text message integration - new $ote->__($msg) function for text messages - text messages now stored in template.settings.php file - PHP object class files now in individual files in /class directory - new $ote->clean('translate') case to remove punctuation marks for /translate - new settings.php define 'CLEAN_PUNCTUATION' for punctuation to remove with ote->clean('translate') - new /error.check.php test for 'CLEAN_PUNCTUATION' define - /import now does check if language pair is selected before form submit - new /word and /list layout - ote->wordnotfound() now allows additions/suggestion of new word pair - /samples directory now mirrors the Dictionary Additions Management System (DAMS) project - /translate now links words with spaces - /error.check.php script with catches for install and setup errors - modified /ote.class.php to tie into new /error.check.php - new settings option DEPRECIATED_V4 to install on depreciated PHP4/MySQL4 systems - fix: global update to correct language code variables - fix: updates to all mb_* functions in ote.class.php - fix: $ote->clean('alpha') now connects to database & does mb_strtolower - fix: removed 'word with space' checks in ote.class.php - tweak: removed debug comments from /ote.class.php & /admin - tweak: added default admin user to /sql/db.create.ote.tables.sql - tweak: code formatting and cleanup: /ote.class.php - new: sample dictionary: English <> Dutch /samples/english.dutch.ascii.txt - new: sample dictionary: English <> Indo-European /samples/english.indo-european.utf8.txt - new: sample dictionary: Hindi <> Tamil /samples/hindi.tamil.utf8.txt - new: sample dictionary: Hello in many languages /samples/ 0.9.8 - new: How to help out the OTE project: /docs/developer.documentation.txt - new: Template System - sample template files in /templates/default/ and /templates/reverse/ - template.settings.php for text and table cell color defines. - new: View System - multiple views, each may use a different Source<>Target languages and/or a different template - chooser pulldown menu shown if 2+ views defined - new: /export system, with user defined delimiter (for tab, use \t .. other \escapes do not yet work) - new: /import system, for users with level Dictionary Admin - new: DEMO mode -- for demo installations, protects 1 user from edits. - new: OPEN Mode -- allow anonymous guests USER level (instead of normal GUEST level) - new: When someone with USER level suggests a new word, it will be displayed back to them during their active session on /word, /random and /translate - new: main settings file now /settings.php with /settings.php-dist example - new: All mysql queries now exit on error and display a debug trace - new: Task and User Admin links now displayed in footer in default template - new: Removed 'ote_language' table and code calls -- all language settings now from /settings.php - new: Changed numeric 'language id' into ISO 3 character code - new: new template.settings.php define NUMBER_OF_WORDS_TO_SHOW_ON_LIST for # of word pairs to show per page in /list - new: new template.settings.php define NUMBER_OF_TASKS_TO_SH OW_ON_INTRO for # of tasks to on /task/ - new: /task/open/ and /task/closed/ for all Open and all Closed tasks - new: /task tables now show the admin user who Accepted the task - new: Unpaired word dictionary cleaner, for Admin level only, at: /admin/cleanup/ - new: moved VERSION, HOSTNAME and DEPTH defines from settings.php to /ote.class.php ote class constructor - new: session_start moved to ote.class.php ote class constructor - fix: /user/register/ system now checks if username is already taken - fix: /task/accept/ of a DELETE now only deletes word pair, not the source & target word - fix: /word errors better with 404 Word Not Found page, with link to /translate to create new word pair - fix: mysql connect error message are now @hidden - fix: after logging in, registering, or logging out, users are redirect back to the page they were last viewing, with an Alert - fix: edit link in /feed is now clickable - fix: pop up javascript confirm dialog before: /task 'Reject', /task 'Clear', /word Delete, and /random Delete - fix: words with spaces are now linked (but bug: words with spaces get split when sent into /translate & other pages) - fix: all forcetype php files now error check for /too/long/urls/ - fix: replaced add mysql_escape_string() with mysql_real_escape_string() 0.9.7 - new User Levels Guest: View only User: Suggest dictionary edits Dictionary Admin: Edit dictionary Site Admin: Edit users - updated /admin to edit new User Levels - updated /task to comply with new User Levels - updated /task system workflow - Accept / Reject / Clear - new table definitions: ote_task, ote_user - new /sql directory with all database files - fixed admin user in sql files - removed /module directory, moved settings.php to top level 0.9.6 - new admin users system - simplified task system 0.9.5 - utf-8 support